The Leadership Challenges Research Paper
This is a suggested template for the status report. It can be adapted for a Leadership In Action Project, or a Consulting Case or XN Project
You do not have to follow this template precisely, but you must provide complete and clear information about your project and your progress. Simple fill-in responses to the prompts may not result in a thorough and useful status report. Use the template for ideas about what to include, to make your report more creative and effective.
This status report should provide you and your readers with an accurate summary of what you have accomplished, and it should outline your priorities for the next several weeks. 3-4 pages should be sufficient (not including title page and attachments and addenda).
Project Status Report Suggested Template
Your name
Title of Project
Date ( You are reporting on actions, events, and progress from the beginning of the semester through the current date)
Goal Statement:
(This is the statement you use to describe and introduce your Project; you have refined it and improved it, to communicate clearly with others what you wish to do, and why it is useful and necessary.)
Challenges getting started:
Were you prepared for the Master’s Capstone course and project?
What did you do before the semester started, to develop project ideas and be prepared?
How did you select and define your Project? What was your process?
Were there any delays? Why? How did you take action to overcome these delays? What did you learn about yourself and project management and time management?
Constituents (followers, colleagues, allies, stakeholders):
With whom are you interacting? With whom are you working? How, and how frequently? What is your role and relationship with each of your key constituents? Who views you as a leader? Or student researcher? Or in some other role? (Use correct names and other accurate information.)
Key Actions
What are your major accomplishments? What have you done?
(Case study research can include interactions with sponsors and sources, reports, articles, company data, interviews, and all fact-finding necessary for case analysis.)
(Action projects can include goal setting, recruiting, and all leadership interactions and management activities)
How do these actions compare to the actions you presented in your earlier Plan document?
What modifications and improvements have you made within your Project Plan? Why?
(Also see Constituent section.)
What academic research have you done about your research topic?
What field research have you done, or are you planning with the professor now, for interviews, questionnaires, observation, etc.?
What leadership and management theories are most relevant to you with your constituent interactions and your case understanding and analysis?
Leadership approaches:
How have you tried to use and practice leadership behaviors? What leadership models have you employed? With whom? What happened? What are you learning about leading, from your direct personal experience?
What concepts that you studied in the MSL program (in addition to leadership approaches) are you using yourself or observing in others?
Issues encountered:
What leadership challenges have you encountered? (This does not include management challenges such as time zone differences, etc.)
What concerns has the professor expressed in his feedback to date? Have you responded? How
What problems have you experienced? What problem solving have you done?
How have these issues required leadership solutions? What strategies have you employed?
Next steps:
Provide an updated timetable (simple text or graphic) and a more detailed list of action items that will be required between now and the completion of the semester. These action items refer specifically to your Project (not the other course assignments).
Two timetables may be necessary if the Capstone project is for your Master’s Degree and an employer or sponsor wants another timetable. See me for clarification if necessary.
Self assessment – Examine your own efforts. Include a paragraph to address the following questions.
Are you functioning at your potential?
What might be holding you back, or slowing your progress, or reducing your confidence? What do you want to do in the next several weeks to challenge yourself and practice leadership with others?
You may attach a sample of the kinds of communication you are initiating for this project – a memo to your colleagues, a photo, a slide or chart you shared with followers or constituents, etc.