plan of a public or nonprofit organization
In order to fulfill the course objectives you are required to conduct an analysis of a strategic plan of a public or nonprofit organization of their choice(YCMA New York is chosen). Leaders in public and nonprofit organizations must understand the components of a strategic plan in order to blend “futuristic thinking, objective analysis, and subjective evaluation of goals and priorities to chart a future course of action that will ensure the organization’s vitality and effectiveness in the long run” (Poister and Streib, 2005, p. 46).
As such, students are required to write a 10-12 page paper, analyzing their selected strategic plan and incorporate all relevant readings on the matter. You many use Bryson’s (1988) framework to inform your assessment but you are expected to follow the rubric.
Your assessment should be comprehensive; that is addressing where, when and what and responding to questions: 1) how was the plan formulated?; 2) Under what conditions was the strategic plan formulated? 3) Did the strategic goals clearly connect to the organizations core value? 4) Did the plan respond to the immediate and long-term needs of the organizations? 5) Did the plan help position the organizations in a better place compared to other relevant organizations? 6) What recommendations would you make in order to improve the plan?