PART 2: CONSULTANT’S REPORT (Whole should sound in Single Voice)
“There should be no Grammatical Mistake”
Part 2 will involve writing a team paper that expands upon the proposal that was presented in Part 1. The purpose of Part 2 is for you to:
Bridge the theory-practice gap by applying psychology theories and research studies to address the problem in the assigned case.
Develop critical thinking skills by understanding, integrating, and applying relevant research literature to develop evidence-based recommendations.
Improve written communication skills by providing a concise well-written report that identifies the case problem, reviews relevant psychology literature, and provides evidence-based recommendations.
Develop teamwork skills by working with team members to identify the problem in the case, reviewing the literature, and deciding on recommendations.
We have divided this team paper into the following five milestones for you:
Milestones | Tasks |
#1: Outline of the Team paper | Create three headings in your paper called:Organizational ProblemConsultant’s ReviewConsultant’s Recommendations |
Create an APA-style title page with your team members’ names, and an APA references page where you can first include the sources used in your presentation. |
#2: Organizational Problem | Write a brief 2-3 sentences 50 words (i.e., up to 0.25 pages max) summary that describes your case and the list of main problems that you will be addressing. |
#3: Consultants’ Review | In exactly three pages, use your selected theories and empirical studies to demonstrate how they can explain the main issues faced by the organization.(Explain the theory in simple language and define any related construct so your description is clear.)On top of the studies cited in your team proposal, you will need to find additional empirical research studies that support your chosen theory/theories. Explicitly describe how these studies can help explain the case will also identify gaps in the literatureyou will be highlighting the limitations and unknowns that may affect the degree to which the cited sources are perfectly generalizable or applicable to your specific case problem (WHAT MIGHT THIS LOOK LIKE? E.g., “Previous research by X and colleagues (2006) and Y and colleagues (2017) has found that a lack of trust among team members is associated with increased team conflict. However, these studies have been primarily conducted in undergraduate student teams which might affect their generalizability to workplace settings.”)We recommend using the Google Scholar only to find additional sources. |
#4: Consultants’ Recommendations | In exactly three pages, show your client what they can do to address each main issue that you identified.Hint: Look in the ‘PracticalRecommendations’ or ‘Implications’ sections of your sources for ideas.(Your recommendation needs to flow from the theories. you are using.)3 pages to give practical recommendations based off theories/models/research studies in Consultant’s Review.✓ Proposed practical recommendations✓ Drawn from theories/models✓ Explicitly tied to case issues✓ Used examples from the case tojustify the recommendationsYour report should also:• Specify actionable steps for the client.• Provide empirical studies that supports the effectiveness of the recommendations.• Identify the limitations of recommendations from the literature.• Provide backup plans for the recommendations.(WHAT MIGHT THIS LOOK LIKE?Recommendations are specific and actionableInstead of recommending a leadership training on empathy, you should also discusswhat this training looks like (i.e., 3-day training where leaders participate inworkshops on … and engage in perspective-taking activities, such as ….)• Provides empirical studies that supports the effectiveness of therecommendations.E.g., A study by Author (Year) found that leaders who participated in this trainingwere able to improve their scores on empathy.Identifies the limitations of proposed recommendations from the literature.E.g., Offering an empathy training might backfire, such that leaders may reactnegatively to …Provides contingency or backup plans for the recommendations.E.g., To address this potential limitation, the company could also considerimplementing … |
#5: Written Report Deliverable | Create a Microsoft Word document. |
Additional Notes and Tips: “ Use Only academic theoretical peer reviewed journal articles sourcesand academic empirical peer reviewed journal articles source”
We recommend aiming for 16 appropriate and high-quality sources in total. You are welcome to include more than 16 sources though and will not be penalized. (Use only 8 sources theoretical peer reviewed journal articles sources for theories highlight in light green colour and use only 8 sources empirical peer reviewed journal articles sources highlight in yellow color in reference. Use Latest one only after 2019).
Please do not use any book and e-book as these sources are not allowed.
Use only google scholar.
Total 16 sources no more than not even 17. Exactly 16 sources should be used.)
oMake sure you write down the reference information for each source that you use in an APA Style References Page.
oKeep the references page updated as you work on the report, rather than waiting until the very end and risk forgetting where you got an article from.
For each main issue that you identified, come up with at least one practical recommendation that your client can implement based on the theories/models/studies that you used.
Review your TA’s feedback from the client proposal and incorporate it into your team paper.
If you have different team members working on separate sections of the report, have each other edit and revise everything to ensure it ‘reads as one voice.’
The team paper should be 6.5 pages maximum.
The title page and references do not count towards this page limit.
On page No-7 Only Reference should come.
If your team also submits a completed project plan that shows when you completed each milestone and team members’ weekly task logs, you will earn a 1% bonus on top of your project grade. For example, if you scored 70 out of 100 on the rubric, then the bonus will result in a final score of 71 out of 100. Project plans can be submitted as an Excel file or provided as a Google Sheets link where you have granted access to your TA.
Your literature review must be well organized (i.e., start broader and become more focused) and clearly presented.
Ensure that your review is thorough. In other words, summarize and reference relevant and appropriate literatures and represent the literature concisely but accurately. Point out the most relevant and important material for the problem at hand when summarizing individual theories or research. Do not review research that is not relevant to the case.
Be sure to integrate the papers that you present (i.e., show how they are related and why they are important to understanding the case problem). Do not just present study after study.
Critique the literature. In other words, you need to let the organization know whether there are any qualifiers for interpreting the literature for them: Are there gaps in theory? Is there a lack of a certain type of research? What is unknown for how the research might generalize? Be sure to present your original critical analysis based on sound logical and/or empirical foundations. In other words, justify your critique.
üProvide specific recommendations and justifications for them. You need to demonstrate a solid understanding of the subject matter and insightfully integrate theory, research, and practice. We will look for you to generate solidly grounded ideas and recommendations that are extrapolated from, and extend, the established literature and practice (must be empirically based).
The team paper is worth 25% of your final grade in PSYC 2070.
Keep in mind that your client is very busy and only has time to read a seven-page report max! Hence, TAs have been instructed to stop reading after seven pages; any content after this point will not be considered when grading your report.
Only academic sources will be accepted as references (textbooks other than the one assigned for this course, journal articles from peer-reviewed outlets such as Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Leadership Quarterly, or Journal of Organizational Behavior, which can be found through PsycINFO, Primo or the University of Guelph library website, or Google Scholar).
Your report should adhere to APA guidelines.
Late submissions will be docked 10% per day starting the day after the project is due. For example, if your team scored 70 out of 100 on the report but submitted it one day late, the final score will be 60 out of 100.
If you submit the wrong report file format (e.g., Google Docs or Pages file instead of a Word document), you will be docked an additional 5% per day starting the day after the project was due until the correct format file is submitted. This deduction will be 15% maximum. Please double-check that your submission to the Dropbox is therefore in the correct format.
Written Communication (/20)
Excellent | Topics/ideas were organized in a superior manner, with no areas for improvement. (earns 4 marks out of 4)Information was always communicated with clear, concise, and organized writing. (earns 4 marks out of 4)The paper was well-structured and included all of the required headings (i.e., has Organizational Problem, Review, and Recommendations), title page, and references page. (earns 4 marks out of 4)The writing always flowed and read like a ‘single voice’. (earns 3 marks out of 3)There were no spelling or grammatical errors. (earns 3 marks out of 3)There were no APA errors in the paper and references page. (earns 2 marks out of 2) |
Information Literacy, Depth and Breadth of Understanding, & Inquiry and Analysis (/40)
Excellent | The paper demonstrated a superior grasp of the subject matter. (earns 3 marks out of 3)Theories/models were always clearly explained. (earns 3 marks out of 3)Theories/models were always relevant to the identified case issues. (earns 6 marks out of 6)Cited studies always supported the included theories/models. (earns 5 marks out of 5)Sources were always appropriate and high-quality, versus inappropriate and low-quality (e.g., relying on popular press articles when unnecessary). (earns 5 marks out of 5)15 appropriate and high-quality sources were used. (earns 5 marks out of 5)The paper only focused on relevant case issues. (earns 6 marks out of 6)The paper used several relevant examples from the case to justify the issues. (earns 4 marks out of 4)Gaps in the literature (i.e., limitations and unknowns that may affect the degree to which the cited sources are perfectly generalizable or applicable to your specific case problem) were always identified and always clearly explained in a logical manner. (earns 3 marks out of 3) |
Problem Solving (/40)
Excellent | The recommendations demonstrated a superb degree of critical and logical thinking, foresight, and planning. They always included specific and actionable methods of implementation, while always remaining practical. (earns 9–10 marks out of 10)oNote that by “specific and actionable,” we are not expecting you to develop anything from scratch. For example, if your recommendation is for the organization to mandate all employees to take some type of training, you do not need to actually develop the curricula or training content. You are welcome to search for and recommend real-life companies that can implement the type of training orrecommendations you’re suggesting, but it is not mandatory to achieve a high mark (just one potential option).§When we say “specific and actionable,” what we mean is that you shouldstate something concrete for the client to do, such as: “We recommend that the organization hire trainers to deliver a workshop to their employees on topic X. The workshop should include content related to Y, Z, etc. because it would address the following case issues…”§In contrast, a recommendation that is not specific and actionable would be a vague statement such as: “We recommend the organization implement training to help employees feel less stressed.” This would not give your client anything concrete that they can act upon.The recommendations were always drawn from the discussed theories/models (earns 5 marks out of 5)Cited studies always supported the effectiveness of the recommendations. (earns 5 marks out of 5)The recommendations were always explicitly tied to the identified case issues and the recommendations always addressed all parties that were impacted by the identified case issues, rather than only a subset. (earns 6 marks out of 6)Note by “all parties,” we mean that you only need to consider all parties that were affected by the case issues as described by the case. Therefore, there is no need to infer who the parties that were affected were (e.g., customers or clients) if they were not explicitly mentioned in the case description.Several examples from the case were used to justify the recommendations. (earns 4 marks out of 4)Limitations of the recommendations were always identified from the literature and always clearly explained in a logical manner. (earns 4 marks out of 4)Contingency or backup plans for the recommendations were always provided (earns 6 marks out of 6) |
Case #4: Woodsboro University Billy is the manager in charge of the counselling office at Woodsboro University. Billy is concerned about the increasing stress levels reported by counsellors in a recent survey. In the survey, counsellors reported feeling overwhelmed by the additional workload they have taken on due to an increase in students utilizing the counselling office. Many counsellors have reported feeling particularly tired as they are working overly long hours to compensate for the additional workload. Additionally, counsellors have reported feeling dread about their work, as they have little control over their work tasks and deadlines. Billy has contacted you for recommendations on solving these stress-related issues, based on thorough research and empirical evidence. Sample of relevant theories: Conservation of Resources Model; Jobs Demands-Resources Model; Cooper and Palmer’s Model of Work Stress
I have written some the sample of theories which are underlined these has to be used no other theories has to be used.
- very very important instructions.
- please start reading instructions mam
and guidelines and you have to answer to this i am proving the grading rubrics everythong write in own words do not use AI AND CHATGPT AS MAM HAS THE SOFTAWARE TO DETECT.EACH AND EVERY LINE and each and every word.
- I Have also attached the grading rubric photo which is in form of image grading rubric is very much important you have to follow each and every instruction very carefully.
- only these sources which i have provided you have to use.I have also attached the grading rubric photo.
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