NUR4516 Crisis Intervention Strategies Essay
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NUR4516 Crisis Intervention Strategies Essay
All paper submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th Ed.). 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5
This course will use a variety of learning experiences to attain the course objectives, including but not limited to: lecture, quizzes, online discussion, case study, assessment strategies, group and individual exercises, and team and individual presentation.
Discussions: There will be a discussion question/activity posted weekly by the instructor for course modules on the course Discussion Forum. Participation in the discussions is strongly encouraged and will be factored into your participation score. It is recommended to login to this course at least 4 days each online week.
You are required to post at least 3 times each week. For the discussion board questions, you must answer the question 100%. The answer should be based on the knowledge obtained from reading the book, no just your opinion. If there are 2 questions in the discussion, you must answer both of them. Your grade will be an average of both questions.
Students are also required to know the expectations or “etiquette” that pertains to the discussion board. Students who abuse this forum by making harassing, inappropriate or abusive statements will be removed and receive a zero (0). Remember, your participation is essential to connecting with other students and developing an online learning community. Further, often it is the deciding factor between receiving a higher or lower grade at the end of the term.
Discussion questions account for 10% of your final grade. Discussion Question (DQ) Participation Guidelines: Students must post a minimum of three times in each graded discussion. The three posts in each individual discussion must be on separate days, the initial answer and two responses to peers. The student must provide an initial answer to the graded discussion posted by the course instructor, by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. EST, of each week.
If the student does not provide an answer to each graded discussion topic (not a response to a student peer) before the Wednesday deadline, an automatic “0” will be issued for that week’s DQ. Subsequent posts, including essential responses to peers, must occur by the Sunday deadline, 11:59 p.m. EST of each week.
NOTE: To receive credit for a week’s discussion, students may begin posting no earlier than the Monday at 12:01 a.m. EST. *Credit for peer responses will be issued via the DQ rubric if peer responses are made without an initial DQ response. *See Discussion Question (DQ) Rubric on next page (Rubrics contain evaluative criteria, quality definitions for those criteria at particular levels of achievement, and a scoring strategy).
Discussion Question (DQ) Submission Guidelines: Students must submit their initial, weekly DQ post in two separate areas. First, the student will submit their initial response via that week’s assignment link provided under the assignments tab as a Microsoft Word document. Once this is done, the student will then copy and paste their answer onto that week’s DQ thread under the Discussions tab.
Thereafter, all discussions and peer replies will be conducted via the DQ board. Failure to submit your initial DQ response to BOTH the assignments tab and the DQ thread will result in a “0” for that week’s DQ. Note: All DQ submissions will be monitored for plagiarism.
Assignment: Specific assignments, their due dates, and grading criteria are listed in this syllabus and on the assignment tab. You are accountable for both individual and group assignments and for providing a significant contribution in a valuable way to it. You are also responsible for completing all assignments including written papers, presentations, and class discussions. You will be graded on the achievement of the objectives, not on the effort you put into your assignments.
All online discussions, written assignments and documentation of others’ ideas and words in presentations must be in APA 6th edition format. Papers cannot be rewritten and assignments cannot be re-given in an attempt to obtain a higher grade. Late Assignments: Due dates are established for reasons of equity. It is not fair to peers who complete assignments on time if other classmates have extra time to work on their assignments.
Late assignments are not permitted. Research Project (Group Assignment): Students will be randomly distributed into groups by blackboard system. Students in a designated group will work together as a team with high level of respect and collaboration to achieve the objectives of the project.
Teamwork accounts for 10% of the grade. The topic of the group research project will be automatically assigned. Topic will be selected from any chapter in the syllabus. Students will develop a research project with a minimum of 2000 words/4 pages single spaced (Times New Roman, Size 12), and 5 references about that topic.
A formal paper must be submitted via Assignment forum (Group Project tab) as an attachment in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.).2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5. This especial assignment will be considered as the research project for the class. The criteria exposed in your paperwork must be exclusively based on peer reviewed article, and I will be very fussy in confirming the reliability of your statements.
Please, see grading criteria / rubric under the assignments tab. This paperwork must be submitted on week #12. You will have plenty of time to start collecting literature for the research project. This assignment has a value of 100 points and accounts for 20% of the final grade. Quizzes:
There will be a quiz weekly. Each quiz will evaluate the content of that week usually one or two chapters for week (usually 25 to 35 questions: multiple choice, true and false, multiple answers and fill in the blank type questions. Quizzes account for 20% of your final grade
Midterm Test: This exam consists of 50 to 60 questions (multiple choice, true and false, multiple answers and fill in the blank type questions) (Chapter 1 through Chapter 11). Midterm exam accounts for 20% of your final grade.
Final Test: Final test will include 50 to 75 questions (multiple choice, true and false, multiple answers and fill in the blank type questions). Final test evaluates the content of the whole semester (Chapter 1 through Chapter 17). Final exam accounts for 20% of your final grade. Course Reflection: Course reflection assignment is part of the portfolio that students
must complete during last class of the program. This assignment is due on week #15.
Please, read carefully the Course Reflection Guidelines that you will find under the
assignments tab – week #15. This assignment has a value of 100 points and
accounts for 10% of the final grade.
Cheating or plagiarism is dishonest, undermines the necessary trust upon which relations between students and faculty are based, and is unacceptable conduct. Students who engage in cheating or plagiarism will be subject to academic sanctions, including a lowered or failing grade in a course; and the possibility of an additional administrative sanction, including probation, suspension, or expulsion.
Cheating is the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work by using dishonest means. Cheating at FNC includes but is not limited to: Copying, in part or whole from another’s examination, paper, mathematical analysis, research or creative project, or the like; Submitting as one’s own work an examination, paper, mathematical analysis, research or creative project, or the like which has been purchased, borrowed, or stolen; or fabricating data.
Consulting notes, sources, or materials not specifically authorized by the instructor during an examination; Employing a surrogate to take an examination, write a paper, do mathematical analysis, or complete, in part or wholly, an evaluation instrument; Aiding or abetting any act that a reasonable person would conclude, when informed of the evidence, to be a dishonest means of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work; and committing any act that a reasonable person would conclude, when informed of the evidence, to be a dishonest means of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work.
Plagiarism is the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work by representing the work of another as one’s own without the necessary and appropriate acknowledgment. More specifically, plagiarism is: The act of incorporating the ideas, words of sentences, paragraphs, or parts thereof without appropriate acknowledgment and representing the product as one’s own work; and The act of representing another’s intellectual work such as musical composition, computer program, photographs, painting, drawing, sculpture, or research or the like as one’s own. If a student is in doubt about the nature of plagiarism, he/she should discuss the matter with the course instructor.
Theft – Copying computer programs owned, leased, or rented by the University for use by the student in his or her course of studies is considered theft and will be dealt with according to the laws covering such actions and to the University norms for disciplinary actions. In cases like these, the Campus Dean will convene a Hearing Committee which will hear, investigate and render a report to the Campus Dean.
This Committee will be composed of three members from the faculty or staff. According to the findings, the Campus Dean has the choice to make a decision. If this decision is not acceptable to those involved, a petition to the Dean to appoint an Honor Court must be signed by at least three people. The Honor Court procedure is explained in the Student Handbook.
Religious Holidays Religious holidays are an excused absence, but not beyond the day for the holiday itself. Students should make their requests known at the beginning of the semester and arrangements must be made with the faculty member for missed work.
Students with Disabilities/ Special Accommodations Students with disabilities who may need special accommodations must register with the Office of Disability Services. In addition, students must contact the instructor so that arrangements can be made to accommodate their needs. FNU is committed to offering accessible courses to all students, in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), Titles I and II of the ADA of 1990, and Sections 503 & 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
If you require special accommodations, you have the right to receive services including but not limited to: customized assessments, individualized tutorial services, and other accommodations provided to you by faculty and staff. Please do not hesitate to contact our Student Services Office or Distance Learning department if you require any special accommodations. 8. Grading Criteria: Discussion questions, quizzes, written examinations, written assignments as follows: Discussions 10% Quizzes 20% Mid-Term Exam 20 % Research Project 20% Final Exam 20% Course Reflection 10% 9. Grading System:
FNU is committed to offering accessible courses to all students, in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), Titles I and II of the ADA of 1990, and Sections 503 & 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
If you require special accommodations, you have the right to receive services including but not limited to: customized assessments, individualized tutorial services, and other accommodations provided to you by faculty and staff. Please do not hesitate to contact our Student Services Office or Distance Learning department if you require any special accommodations.
NUR4516 Crisis Intervention Strategies Essay